Main Office: 631-592-3750
Nurse: 631-592-3751
Attendance: 631-592-3756
Transportation: 631-592-3855
Use "Sunquam" at Checkout for 10% off, and a donation
to our school!
- A Sunquam Exclusive -
On Sale at PTA meetings!
- Upcoming Dates -
No PTA Meeting in January
1/20 *NO SCHOOL*
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/26 - Unity Fair
West Hollow Middle School
1/31, 2/1, 2/2
Hills on Stage - Seussical Jr.
High School East
February PTA Meeting on ZOOM
Details to follow
2/11 -Multicultural Day
(snow date 2/12)
*Volunteer Here*
Get the HHH District Calendar
on your smartphone!
No General PTA Meeting in January!
ZOOM for February PTA Meeting, details to come.
Special Thanks to Our Amazing PTA Volunteers,
We Appreciate All You Do!