Main Office: 631-592-3750
Nurse: 631-592-3751
Attendance: 631-592-3756
Transportation: 631-592-3855
Use "Sunquam" at Checkout for 10% off, and a donation
to our school!
- A Sunquam Exclusive -
On Sale at PTA meetings!
- Upcoming Dates -
2/5 - PTA Meeting on ZOOM
*Link will be sent via email*
2/11 - Multicultural Day
(snow date 2/12)
*Volunteer Here*
2/11 - Krispy Kreme Pick-ups
2/12 - Multicultural Day Snow Date
2/14 - Iavarone of Plainview
Heart Pizza Patronage
Winter Recess
Get the HHH District Calendar
on your smartphone!
PTA Meeting February 5th @9:40am
Zoom link will be emailed
Special Thanks to Our Amazing PTA Volunteers,
We Appreciate All You Do!
Coming soon!
Look for the flyer coming home for details!
*Student Council News *
Student Council will be selling backpack pins/brooch pins and backpack keychain charms starting 2/10 to benefit the
Make A Wish foundation*