Main Office: 631-592-3750
Nurse: 631-592-3751
Attendance: 631-592-3756
Transportation: 631-592-3855
Use "Sunquam" at Checkout for 10% off, and a donation
to our school!
- A Sunquam Exclusive -
On Sale at PTA meetings!
- Upcoming Dates -
--- March ---
3/3 - Boys to Men Presentation
(5th Grade Boys)
7:00PM Sunquam
3/4 - PTA Council Event
Topic: Vaping & Human Trafficking
6:30PM @ Candelwood MS
3/5 - PTA Meeting 9:40am
Sunquam Cafeteria
3/6 - Mixology Patronage
3/11 - 3/21
3/11 - Book Fair
4:00-6:00pm Sunquam Cafeteria
3/12 - Book Fair/Curriculum Night
4:30-7:30 Sunquam
3/14 - Field Day T-Shirt Contest
Entries Due
3/18 - Virtual Council Event
Topic : Teen Behavior
3/21 - Family Fun Night
6:00-8:00 West Hollow MS
3/26 - Nomination Forms Due
3/27 - Founders Day
@ The Experience
Get the HHH District Calendar
on your smartphone!
PTA Meeting April 2nd @ 9:40am - Sunquam Cafeteria
Class Parents are encouraged to come!
Applications for 25-26 Slate for PTA Officers details below:
All Forms Due March 26. 2025
Official Duties of Officers
Sunquam PTA Executive
Committee Slate 2024-2025
Lauren Tamas & Michelle Lederer
Vice President - Rachel Clifford
Vice President - Valerie Lerner
Vice President - Nicole Capodieci
Vice President - Kristin Rovello
Treasurer - Leaat Yopp
Corresponding Secretary - Heather Shmuely
Recording Secretary - Danielle Dolgin
Past President - Nicole Giacoponello
It's MARCH! Here's What's Coming Up...
*click images for details*